Many people wish to know what happens after twin flames form a happy union because such few things have been recorded accurately about it.

Many twin flames, get stuck in a phase where they are consistently looking for their twin to “make the move” and by this, I don’t just mean this romantically. Your twin cannot do your Spiritual alignment and healing, hence I always highly recommend you consistently work on yourself and discover all the ways that you are avoiding yourself and not being present for you as a person.

Twin flames, have a journey and a process to form a happy union.

I remember how much work it took me and how many energy re-alignment I had to do on myself, to even create the circumstances to meet with my actual twin flame which under normal protocol, would have never happened.

My twin felt so much pain after meeting me and had to work more on his own spiritual self and I had to work tonnes on my own life, before we found a place where both of us felt “worthy” of the other. Union is certainly not easy.

It is not like a “normal relationship” by any means. Yes, you have all the trappings of normality however because you are the mirror reflection of each other, you will always trigger additional layers to keep coming up to heal inside of you, meaning you are able to work on missions to empower more people for the greater good and the collective consciousness.

Twin flame work means that you are consistently dedicated to raising the frequency of this planet through the divine Love that you both share and through the energy work and example you set through your deep friendship and Love for the other.

Many people think that Union is a “happily ever after”, however because flames burn so high and require so much oxygen, a twin flame union comes when both parties are committed to doing the work, no matter what it takes.

A happy union comes from being triggered enough on both sides to consistently work on yourself. I remember how badly my twin annoyed and triggered me (and of course, vice versa), causing me to dig into deeper layers to purge and clear myself across all channels of time and space, allowing myself to be in alignment to allow him to come into my life.

One of the most powerful ways I did that and have done that for many others today, is through Heart Wall Clearings.

As a twin flame, through this life and through many other past lives with your twin, you will have many trapped emotions that require to be cleared, in order to access your true self and allow your heart to feel and enjoy itself again. As you feel freer and fully in the grid of Divine Love, your consistent state will feel peaceful and open to nature and joy again.

A happy union requires your heart chakra area to be open and activated. All twins connect through the heart area and the higher the magnetic frequency, the more in alignment you will be towards your twin flame!